Jackson Forrest Eoute |
My dear friends Philip (Edward IV and Richmond in the recent production of
Richard III: The Terrible Reign) and Nikki Eoute had a baby boy on Sunday night. His name is Jackson Forrest. (Now, that's a name you can yell out the back door when it's supper time.) I've enjoyed pointing out that his monogrammed initials can spell "JEF," after me, no doubt. And, who knows, Jackson might end up playing the dane in my not-so-upcoming 2042 production of
Hamlet. (Lord willing, I'll turn a mere 80 that year.)
Jackson's birth got me thinking about what a great God we have. Talk about great design! What a miracle a baby is!
For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. (Psalm 139:13)
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