Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nifty Fifties

kitchen/living room—plastic plant, linoleum, perfect!

kitchen—enjoyed picking wallpaper, coffee pot, toaster,
breadbox, kitschy knick-knacks, etc.

living room—note the working 50s television
These are set shots for a show I'm directing entitled Break the Knot. The play is set in 1959. I did the scene design about 6 years ago, and I still like it. (Note the ghosted image of the year on the cabinets—we're working on getting that tweaked and onto the stage right cabinets.) The pictures don't do the 50s aqua colored cabinets and frig justice. I searched flea markets and antique shops from Greenville to St. Louis. My kids still talk about a road trip on which we packed nearly every square inch of our SUV with kitschy stuff—frames, vases, telephone, lamps, dishes, canisters, pictures, a vintage typewrite, etc., etc. I don't do semi-realism often, but when I do, it sure satisfies my junk itch.

The show is tonight (1/31/13) at 7:00 and 8:30. It runs just under an hour with no intermission.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Who Knew?

Who knew that teabags could make such a great visual? Saw this display at an Anthropology store a while back and decided to post for inspiration. Style on the cheap. This could be done even on a schoolteacher's budget.

Imagine a garment out of these. . . .

But don't even think about where they've been. They're all unused and perfectly sterile, I'm sure.

Monday, January 14, 2013


—a wall of chevroned frame samples at a local frame shop

—chevrons in various architectural applications: arches, floors, doors, walls (those are thin, stacked stones, I think), streets/sidewalks

Maybe I'll look into this further as I continue to do research for the 2014 Aida I'm working on.